28 May 2021
EU SolidAct – a pan-European platform for pandemic research and preparedness

EU SolidAct – a pan-European platform for pandemic research and preparedness

There is an urgent need for rapid and coordinated investigation of new candidate drugs during pandemics. EU-SolidAct is an Adaptive Platform Trial developed to evaluate drug interventions in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 and to facilitate a joint European response to future pandemics. The first drug to be tested is baricitinib, a tablet prescribed for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. This drug has also shown promising results for patients with severe COVID-19. EU-SolidAct will recruit patients from around fifteen European countries, and will open the first sites in Norway and France the coming week. The trial is sponsored by Oslo University Hospital, Norway. EU SolidAct is part of EU-RESPONSE, a five-year project coordinated by Inserm, France. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101015736.

Contact: Associate professor Marius Trøseid, Oslo University Hospital, +4792440240, marius.troseid@medisin.uio.no


Link to the Press Release